Terms of publication of scientific articles

Publication requirements. Format - pdf
Example of article design. Format - pdf


To publish an article in the scientific journal Volume 31 (70) No. 1-2, 2020, no later than December 25, 2020:

  1. Fill in author's reference (links)
  2. To the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email the article, prepared in accordance with the above requirements, and a copy of the receipt for payment of the contribution fee.

Thematic sections of the magazine:

  1. Crimean Tatar language
  2. Crimean Tatar literature
  3. Turkology
  4. Oriental Study

The scientific article should have the following structural elements:

  1. Formulation of the problem in general form and its relation with important scientific or practical tasks.
  2. An analysis of the latest research and publications that the author relies on to address this issue and approaches to solving it. In doing so, highlight the unresolved parts of the overall problem that are being explored in the article.
  3. Formulating the goals of the article (setting the task).
  4. Outline of the main research material with full justification of scientific results obtained.
  5. Conclusions from this study and further prospects in this direction.

The heading of the magazine.
The UDC index
 in the upper left corner of the page.
Name and initials of the author (s).
Title of the article in Ukrainian and English. The name and initials of the author (s) in Latin are given in English.
Annotations and keywords in Ukrainian and English. Annotation volume is at least 1800 characters, keywords is at least 5 words.
Bibliographic list. References to the sources should be made in square brackets, indicating the page numbers according to the source: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].

The bibliographic description of the list of sources used shall be made taking into account the information and documentation developed in 2015 by the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015. Bibliographic reference. General Terms and Conditions of Assembly. "

Language of publications: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

The editorial staff receives and registers DOI for articles.

Technical requirements:
Article size - 12 to 20 pages, A4 (297 x 210), edges: 25 mm to the left, 20 mm to the right, top and bottom, typed in Microsoft Word. All text of the article, bibliographic list, annotations, etc. are printed in Times New Roman font, size is 14 pt, interval is one and a half. If the article contains tables, formulas and (or) illustrations, they should be compact, have the title, text font - Times New Roman, size - 12 pt. Tables and illustrations should be no larger than the page width. The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and appropriate. Pictures and spreadsheets on album pages are not accepted.

The editorial board conducts internal anonymous peer review of articles and checks for plagiarism, after which the authors receive the requisites for payment of the publication fee.